A New York–Paris Visual Diary:
The Human Face of Covid-19
A Limited-Edition book.

Soft-cover with flaps in the great Franco-American tradition of book publishing.
160 pages
115 photographs
A daily diary of text from March to August, 2020.
12.2 inches x 13.6 inches x .9 inch.
Shipping worldwide.
Orders to the US, Canada, and Mexico will be fulfilled from New York.
Orders to Europe and the rest of the world will be fulfilled from Paris.
“This is a visual tribute to the humanity of all of the heroes and victims, often one and the same, who have been at the epicenter, New York City, and Paris, of the world war against the invisible enemy of Covid-19 these past many months. This visual diary began in New York on March 20, when I was in New York City as it entered a lockdown. After two months, in May, I returned to Paris, my permanent residence, and continued this visual diary as Paris emerged from two months of “confinement” and began to open up. This book is my tribute to the people of two of the most vibrant and unique cities in the world—and a testament to the strength of our human family worldwide.”
– Peter Turnley